Impactos del financiamiento para las MYPES formales de la provincia de Ica en tiempo de pandemia COVID-19
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Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga
Las Mypes desempeñan un papel fundamental en el crecimiento económico, creación de empleo
y desarrollo social. El financiamiento es primordial para su desarrollo y en momentos de
pandemia este acceso se ha deteriorado.
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene la finalidad de determinar como influyen las barreras
crediticias, en el financiamiento de las Mypes formales de la provincia de Ica en tiempo de
pandemia COVID-19.
Para este estudio se eligió un método cuantitativo no empírico. Consiste en observar los
fenómenos tal como ocurren en su contexto natural,se abordó el estudio con un diseño transversal.
La fuente de datos fueron las encuestas realizadas a los empresarios, administradores o gerentes
de las Mypes de la provincia de Ica.
Los resultados obtenidos fueron procesados en programas estadísticos, a través de un análisis
utilizando la prueba de correlación de Spearman con el que se confirmó la influencia de las
variables en el acceso al financiamiento en plena pandemia. Posteriormente según los resultados
estadísticos obtenidos en este estudio: Se define que las barreras crediticias Influyen, en el
financiamiento de las Mypes formales de la provincia de Ica en tiempo de pandemia COVID-19.
Mypes play a fundamental role in economic growth, job creation and social development. Financing is essential for its development and in times of pandemic this access has deteriorated. The purpose of this research work is to determine how credit barriers influence the financing of formal Mypes in the province of Ica in times of the COVID-19 pandemic. A non-empirical quantitative method was chosen for this study. It consists of observing the phenomena as they occur in their natural context, the study was approached with a cross-sectional design. The data source was the surveys carried out on entrepreneurs, administrators or managers of the Mypes of the province of Ica. The results obtained were processed in statistical programs, through an analysis using the Spearman correlation test, with which the influence of the variables on access to financing in the midst of a pandemic was confirmed. Subsequently, according to the statistical results obtained in this study: It is defined that credit barriers influence the financing of formal Mypes in the province of Ica in times of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Mypes play a fundamental role in economic growth, job creation and social development. Financing is essential for its development and in times of pandemic this access has deteriorated. The purpose of this research work is to determine how credit barriers influence the financing of formal Mypes in the province of Ica in times of the COVID-19 pandemic. A non-empirical quantitative method was chosen for this study. It consists of observing the phenomena as they occur in their natural context, the study was approached with a cross-sectional design. The data source was the surveys carried out on entrepreneurs, administrators or managers of the Mypes of the province of Ica. The results obtained were processed in statistical programs, through an analysis using the Spearman correlation test, with which the influence of the variables on access to financing in the midst of a pandemic was confirmed. Subsequently, according to the statistical results obtained in this study: It is defined that credit barriers influence the financing of formal Mypes in the province of Ica in times of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Palabras clave
Financiamiento, MYPES, COVID-19, Rentabilidad, Evasión tributaria, Reactiva Perú